Volume 16 #3 (2001)

League member Mike O'Neal's depiction of Adj. Henri Renault's SPAD VII (although OTF Art Director Greg Van Wyngarden maintains that Renault's aircraft was actually a SPAD XIII) of Escadrille SPA 86 falling in a power glide to earth after being fatally attacked by Lt. Gregory Blaxland, No. 2 Squadron AFC, flying S.E.5a B571. This incident is further described on pp. 215-219.
The History of Gruppe de Combat 14 by Frank W. Bailey and Alan L. Roesler
Gilbert Jerome: A Victorian Gentlman in a Modern War by Debbie Rossi
The Legacy of a Screaming Eagle by John G. Joern, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.)
NachrichtenBlatt der Luftstreitkrafte No. 15 translated by Jan Hayzlett
Between the Lines
In Memoriam: George Evans
Between the Bookends
Mentioned in Dispatches
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