Volume 18 #4 (2003)

Pouring on the smoke! Visual excitement is being generated by a new generation of replica builders. This Fokker Dr.I replica is based in New Zealand and performs regularly at the air shows based at Omaka Aerodrome, near Blenheim. It wears the "optische täuschung" (optical irritation) markings of Ltn. Hans Kirschstein of Jasta 6 (Courtesy Alex Mitchell/Warbirds Photography)
Inside Covers: Fokker D.VII photos by Dan Polglaze, profiles of planes from the Battle of Angernsee by Todd Comeau
The Battle of Angernsee by Andrei Alexandrov & Ron Kintner
The Kaiser and the Tsar scuffle over the Gulf of Riga, 1917; Flying boats, float planes, seaplane carriers and giant bombers...
"Allo! Allo!"--Off Cape Cod by Joseph D. Buckley
U.156 vs. the United States.
Rare Birds: Rumpler 6B2 Peter M. Grosz & Martin Digmayer
Photo essay and 1/72 scale drawings of the Rumpler 6B2 (color profiles on back cover by Todd Comeau).
The League "Centenial of Flight 2003" Seminar by James Streckfuss
Were you there? Or do you look yourself in the eye and say "loser!"
A Christmas Cigar Box by Dorothy Striebig
A sample of the motivational powers of collectibles.
A League of Modelers: More on the Fokker E.III by Jim Wallace
It's the small things that count: painting burnished metal.
Nachrichtenblatt der Luftstreitkräfte Nr.17 Translated by Jan Hayzlett with editorial assistance by Peter Kilduff
Between the Lines
2002 Hooper Award Winners | Changes at the Top | Passing the Torch | New Kid on the Block
Between the Bookends:
Under The Guns of The Kaiser's Aces--Böhme, Müller, von Tutschek and Wolff--The Complete Record of Their Aerial Victories by Norman Franks and Hal Giblin | The World War I German Aviators--The Sanke Cards by Charles Woolley | the Imperial War Museum Official History of The Great War: Military Operations Other Theatres 1914-18 Maps by The Naval & Military Press in association with The Imperial War Museum | Classic Aircraft in New Zealand, Volume 1 | Windsock Datafile No. 101--American DH4 by Jon Guttman | Windsock International, Vol. 19, No. 5 | Sopwith Camel Aces of World War I by Norman Franks | Fokker D.VII Aces of World War 1--Part 1 by Norman Franks and Greg VanWyngarden | Cross & Cockade International Journal, Vol.34, No. 3 | Requiescant! k.u.k. Militäfriedhöfe in Westgalizien by Dr. Erich Fritsch and Mag. Florian Kotanko | WWI Aero--The Journal of the Early Aeroplane, No. 181 | Windsock Datafile Special--Breguet 14 by Alan D. Toelle
Mentioned in Dispatches:
Wright Sites | Will the Real Billy Bishop Please Stand Up | More on the Russian Front | Mea culpa