Volume 19, No. 3 (2004)

Front Cover: Bréguet 14B2 aircraft undergo maintenance at the 7th AIC at Clermont-Ferrand. The scene was captured on canvas by one of the team of combat artists commissioned by the AEF (Smithsonian). Also, This highly detailed Bréguet 14B2 illustration of Major Harry Brown's 4012 #12 was created by Alan Toelle especially for this issue
Inside Front/Rear Cover: Superb renditions of Sopwith Camels of the 148th Squadron by Mark W. Miller.
Outside Rear Cover: Color profiles of Caudron G.6 aircraft by R.N. Pearson.
Major Harry Brown and His "Lost Flight" of the 96th Aero by Stephen Ruffin
"... but what shall we do with the Major?"
Quentin Roosevelt and the Gold Star Mother's Pilgrimages by John Graham
The effects of Quentin Roosevelt's tragic aviation career extend far beyond the Armistice.
And Then There Was One... A Member's Search for Missing Pilots by William Jeanes
Many of the faces in the photos remain nameless... except in the case of the 13th Aero Squadron.
Jesse Orrin Creech: 148th Aero Squadron by Stephen Miller
Photographs and diary entries from Jesse Creech, American Camel ace of the 148th Aero Squadron.
Rare Birds: Caudron G6 A photo essay
by James Davilla, with 1/48th scale drawings by Martin Digmayer.
Nachrichtenblatt der Luftstreitkräfte No.20 Translated by Jan Hayzlett with editorial assistance by Peter Kilduff
No. 3 Squadron AFC Roster, R.E.8 Serials, Citations, etc by Frank W. Bailey
Our year-long review of No. 3 Squadron continues.