Volume 20 #2 (2005)

Front Cover: "Worthy Foe" by Jim Dietz shows an excited Jasta pilot as he describes his latest combat to his fellows.
Inside Front Cover: Siemens-Schuckert D.VI by Ronny Bar
Inside Rear Cover: Clerget 9Z Rotary by Mark W. Miller
Outside Rear Cover: Color profiles of Gotha G.VI by R.N. Pearson
Showing the Way: German Strategic Bombing in WWI by Capt. Thomas E. Hanson, US Army
While not the first country to attempt strategic bombing, Imperial Germany came closer than any other WWI beligerant in perfecting the practice.
Fokker Triplane F.I 102/17 and F.I 103/17 by Terry Phillips and Aaron Weaver
A photographic study of the Fokker F.I prototypes.
Interview with An Author: Jeff Sharra by James Williams
The author of 'To the Last Man' describes his writing process and what keeps him interested in examining the world through the eyes of historical personalities.
Shooting Down the Myths of the Rotary Engine by Fred Murrin
Need a hand re-assembling that old Le Rhône out in the garage? Help is on the way!
Rare Birds: Siemens-Schuckert D.VI Parasol a photo essay
by Egon Kruger with 1/48 scale drawings by Martin Digmayer
Between the Lines
Who Are We and What Do We Do? | Jack Herris' Resignation | The Job Board | One of Our Own | League Financial Report
Mentioned in Despatches
Who Said the Great War Ended in 1918? | And the Beat Goes On... | Ending on a Positive Note
Between the Bookends:
Windsock Data File No. 109; Salmson 2A2 by Jon Guttman | Windsock Data File No. 110; Hansa Brandenburg C.I Types by C.A. Owers | Windsock International, Vol. 21, No. 1 | Windsock International, Vol. 21, No. 2 | Windsock International, Special 20th Aniversery Edition | Cross and Cockade International Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1 | The Butterflies of World War One