Volume 21 #3 (2006)

Front Cover: Flyboys montage curtesy of Electronic Entertainment
Inside Front Cover: Ruston & Proctor-built Sopwith Camel and OAW-built Fokker D.VII profiles by Mark W. Miller
Inside Rear Cover: 185th Aero Squadron D.H.4 profile by Juanita Franzi
Outside Rear Cover: 185th Aero Squadron SPAD XIII profiles by Alan D. Toelle
Remembering Peter M. Grosz, A German Giant, 1926-2006 by Peter Kilduff
History of the 185th Aero Squadron by Stephen Lawsony
"The story of the 185th Aero Squadron was similar in many ways to many other units. Although its victory score was small, its real story is in the courage of its men as the first night fighter/interceptor unit in the history of the United States."
The Imperial German Eagles of WWI by Lance J. Bronnenkant, Ph.D.
Excerpted from The Imperial German Eagles in World War I: Their Postcards and Pictures, published by Schiffer Military History.
Rare Birds: The Fokker V.29 Jack Herris with 1/48 scale drawings by Martin Digmayer
The Fokker V.29 competed at the third Adlershof competition. It was a parasol monoplane developed from the Fokker D.VII.
Rare Birds: Daimler Aircraft, 1914-1919 Peter M. Grosz with 1/48 scale drawings of Daimler L.11 by Martin Digmayer
Peter Grosz wrote this article while recovering from surgery and submitted it only weeks before his death. We're honored to present it and will miss him in the future.
Between the Lines
Auf Wiedersehen, Peter | Board Elections | 2005 Hooper Winners | Mike Carr Student Papter Competition Winners Announced | Call for Student Papers | Cross & Cockade CDs | Journal Binders | The "Double Ace Seminar
Between the Bookends:
British Single-Seat Fighter Squadrons on the Western Front in World War I by Alex Revel | Cross & Cockade International Calendar for 2007 | Windsock International, Vol.22 No. 4 | Cross & Cockade International Vol. 37, No. 2 | The Millionaires' Unit - The Aristocratic Flyboys Who Fought the Great War and Invented American Air Power by Marc Wortman | Gunning for the Red Baron by Leon Bennett | Battle of Britain 1917: The First Heavy Bomber Raids on England by Jonathan Sutherland and Diane Canwell