Volume 22 #1 (2007)

Front Cover: Josef Jacobs vs. the French by Stephen Anderson.
Inside Front Cover: Aircraft of Carl Holler: Fokker E.1 52/15, Albatros D.I D.450/16, Albatros D.II profiles by Aaron Weaver.
Inside Rear Cover: Rumpler and aircraft photos courtesy of Peter M. Bowers.
Outside Rear Cover: Dutch planes of WWI: Henry Farman HF-22 LVA, Fokker D.III 379/16 Fokker D.III F.203, Nieuport Spijker NSp 214 T80 profiles by Aaron Weaver.
Carl Holler - Sänger Flieger by Otto Holzer
Folk singer, NCO, scout pilot . . . the wartime experiences of Carl Holler.
Orange Skies: The Aerial Defense of Dutch Neutrality by Ryan Noppen
This article was adapted from the winner of the 2003 Mike Carr Student Paper Competition. Congratulations to the author on his outstanding research and writing.We hope to see more from him in the future!
Airplane Hangers in Schleissheim Günter Braun, translated/edited by Dr. Dieter H.M. Gröschel
Bavaria's first military airfield.
Rare Birds Extra: Hansa-Brandenburg W.34 by Martin Digmayer
1/48 scale drawings of the W.34. This is a continuation of the Rare Birds article in the Winter 2006 issue.
From the Albums: Leutnant Leitzow, Part II (A Photo Essay) by Terry "Taz" Phillips
Swords into Plowshares: Rumpler-Luftverkehr (A Photo Essay) by Aaron Weaver
Between the Lines
Double Ace Seminar | Postal Rates | Seeking a Webmaster | Steve Ruffin New Managing Editor
Between the Bookends:
French Strategic and Tactical Bombardment Forces of World War I by René Martel | Das Propellerblatt, No. 15, Spring 2006 | Flyboys DVD
Mentioned in Despatches
Feeling Like the Maytag Repairman | Personal Accounts and Squadron Histories | Online Research, Website Collections & Militaria