Cross and Cockade Volume 3 (1962)

The League has been publishing Over The Front since 1986. But before that there was Cross & Cockade, US. We are now happy to make these long out-of-print issues available as downloads. Click on the individual issue number to view a description and table of contents. These issues are available for $25.00 per annual volume (4 issues). After you order a volume, or volumes, you will be emailed a link to the content. That link will remain active for 30 days.
Cross & Cockade Volume 3, 1962 |
Volume 3, Issue 1 | |
Air Service Combat Organization | 1 |
Ordeal of the First Day Bombardment Group | 6 |
Excerpts: Bombardment Manual Of Instructions | 16 |
Pursuit Aviation: The Last Knighthood | 24 |
Casualty Lists: Pursuit Groups | 34 |
Table of Organization: Pursuit Aviation | 37 |
Official Confirmed Victory List | 43 |
95th Aero Sqn. History Excerpts | 60 |
Pursuit Planes of 1919 | 62 |
How It Was in the 13th Aero Sqn. | 67 |
The Eyes of the Army: The Observation Corps | 71 |
Observation Corps Table of Organization | 88 |
Editorial Message: AEF Aviation | 92 |
Volume 3, Issue 2 | |
An Ace With No Victories: Temple N. Joycce | 95 |
A Model Builder Visits the Imperial War Museum | 111 |
Hannoveraner Biplane: A Ministry Report | 124 |
Airmen's Badges of the Central Powers | 139 |
The Siemens-Schuckert D.VI | 151 |
One Man -- One Taube: Gunther Pluschow | 153 |
Albatros Scout: An Airboard Report | 162 |
A Summary of Air Fighting Tactics | 168 |
The Modeler's Corner | 173 |
Maryland/Washington D.C. Chapter Activities | 176 |
Open Hanger: An Editorial | 180 |
Volume 3, Issue 3 | |
Marine Land Feld Jagdstaffeln | 185 |
Fokker Triplane Serials | 196 |
Reminiscences of Jasta 10 | 204 |
Prisoners of War | 208 |
German Army Air Aces | 216 |
The 27th Squadron's Black Day | 229 |
Comments on German Staffels | 239 |
The Science Museum, London | 248 |
An Open Letter From Silvio Scaroni | 257 |
Summary of Air Intelligence | 265 |
Translation of German Documents | 272 |
Volume 3, Issue 4 | |
Notes on the Austro-Hungarian Flying Corps 1910-1918 | 281 |
A Twin-Engined Bomber for Austro-Hungary | 295 |
Vizefeldwebel Kurt Weil | 311 |
Frank Lucien Hale | 329 |
Die Gebrder Gabriel | 333 |
Loss of the L.36: A Lesson in Airship Handling | 351 |
The Aeroplane Corps of the Chinese Army | 361 |
German Fliegertruppe and Luftschiffertruppe at Mobilization, 1914 | 367 |
The Porterville Show | 381 |
The C&C Photograph File | 372 |
The C&C Bibliography | 376 |
Editorial and Change of Address | 380 |
Chapter News | 387 |
New Members | 388 |