Volume 9(1994)

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No. 1
A League of Modelers (Halberstadt CL.IV by Tom Darcey) by Alan Durkota, Dan-San Abbott and Greg VanWyngarden
Colors: Jagdgeschwader Nr. II, Part Three by Greg VanWyngarden
A Retrospective View of Ltn. Erwin Bohme by Niedermeyer
Royal Prussian Jagdgeschwader Nr. II by Richard Duiven
Royal Prussian Jagdgeschwader Nr. II Airfields by Richard Duiven
Royal Prussian Jagdgeschwader Nr. II Personnel Roster by Richard Duiven
The First Battle of Britain: A Statistical Study by Steven Suddaby
Royal Prussian Jagdgeschwader Nr. II Combat Log tr. Richard Duiven
No. 2
A League of Modelers (SPAD XIII by Bruce Laskey) by Alan Durkota and Jack Herris
Post Script: Eugene Bullard by Jamie Cockfield
A Fathers. Love (E;dred Wolferstan Bowyer-Bower) by Norman Franks
Colors: Skullduggery by Greg VanWyngarden
Crusaders in the Sky: The Lafayette Escadrille by Paul Hofman
Chronicle of the Operations of the 1st Corps Air Detachment of the Imperail Russian Air Service, 1914-1917 by Viktor Kulikov (ed. August Blume)
Where did von Richthofen Crash? by Philip Markham
Grounded: American Women Aviators in the Great War by Neumann, Caryn
Vimy 19/94 (continued) by Noel Shirley
Wartime Letters from France: The Letters of Lieutenant Raymond L. Suppes by Noel Shirley
No. 3
A League of Modelers (R.E. 8 by Ron Lowry) by Alan Durkota and Jack Herris
Dieudonne Costes, Pilote de Chasse by Dieudonne Costes (int. Jac Remise, tr. Randall Volpe)
The Aircraft of Herman Goring by Greg VanWyngarden
Early Morning Hours of 2 June 917, The by Philip Markham
Other Early Morning Aerodrome Attacks by Philip Markham
Bishop's Aircraft - Colors and Markings, No. 60 Squadron, RFC by Philip Markham and Greg VanWyngarden
The Combat Records of Hrman Goring by Frank Olynyk
The Conflict Between Truth and Legend by Stewart Taylor
No. 4
A League of Modelers (contest rules) by Alan Durkota
Jagdstaffel 47W, A History by Malcolm Cooper (ed. Richard Duiven)
Royal Naval Air Service Sopwith Triplane Casualties by Frank Bailey and Stewart Taylor
The New Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum by Kopecky, Carle
A Chat with Lothar by Ogilgie, Karl
Bad Day at Cambrai by Randal Gaulke
Introduction to a Flying Book, from Von Jager Zum Flieger by Karl-Emil Schafer (tr. Suzanne Hates Fischer)
Discovering the Forgotten Intangibles of WWI Aviation by Ted Sher
The Navy at MIT by Noel Shirley