Volume 15 Number 2

A collage of images highlighting the Bavarian contribution to the German Air Service is the theme of this painting by league member Tom Leamon.
The Royal Bavarian Flying Corps by D. Harald Potempa
Bavarian Observers, their Training in Schleissheim, and their Photographs by Dr. Rainer Braun
The Bavarian War Archive in Munich by Dr. Achim Fuchs
The Development of the Uniform of the Bavarian Flying Corps by Gerd M. Schulz
Bavarian Pour-le-Mèrite Pilots and Their Graves by Jürgen Ladek
Eduard Böhme by Reinhard R. Kastner
Gustav Samuel by Joachim Raich MA
Ltn.d.R Karl Beyschlag by Dieter H.M. Gröschel, M.D.
Ltn.D.R Erich Deipser by Dieter H.M. Gröschel, M.D., and Reinhard R. Kastner
Between the Lines
Pensacola | Taps
Mentioned in Dispatches
Alex Revell on the Beginning Weeks of a Fighter Pilot's Tour | Another Overlooked Factor in Aerial Victories? | More From Herr Grosz | Missed Acknowledgments and New Jersey's Highest Scoring Ace | Thoughts and Observations Regarding the Summer 1999 Journal | More Thoughts and Observations Regarding the Spring, Summer and Fall 1999 Journals | Engines, Engines, Engines | A Final Addendum on the Meaning of the German Notation "i. Kr." | Apologies are Due | Where Will You Be in March 2001?
Between the Bookends
Rumpler CI--Windsock Datafile No. 79 | Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter Volume 2--Windsock Datafile No. 80 | Albatros C.V--Windsock Datafile No. 81 | The D.H.4//D.H.9 File | I Reparti dell'aviazione italiana nella Grande Guerra | Uniforms &Equipment of the Imperial German Army 1900-1918: A Study in Period Photographs, Vol. 2