Volume 23 (2008)

Yearly volume of 4 issues for 2008.
No. 1
Soaring Like Eagles into New Heavens: American First Wolrd War Aviation Monuments and Memorials, Part II by Michael Barton
Rare Birds: Rumpler C.X by Jack Herris
B-Boats vs. L-Planes in the Adriatic by James Pratt III
Observer: The Memoirs of Valentine J. Burger Pt. I, The by Alan Roesler, Michael O'Neal, and Frank Bailey (tr., comp.)
Evolution of Naval Aviation Carrier Technology Through World War I, The by Daniel Ruffin
Dawn Patrol Rendezvous 2007 by Jan Servaites
From the Albums: Austro-Hungarian Lohner Type T by Aaron Weaver
No. 2
Rare Birds: Nieuport Monoplane by Jon Guttman (ill. Martin Digmayer)
The Observer: The Memoirs of Valentine J. Burger Pt. II: 90th Aero Sqdn. by Alan Roesler, Michael O'Neal, and Frank Bailey (tr., comp.)
William G. "Billy" Schauffler Pilot, 1st Aero Sqdn, C.O. 90th Aero Sqdn. And 3rd Corps Observation Group, USAS: His Letters by William Schauffler (ed. Stanley Walsh)
The 1914 Royal Flying Corps - A Photograph Examined by Marvin Skelton
Air Vice-Marshal Sir Charles A.H. Longcroft Pre-War and World War I Service by Marvin Skelton
In Memoriam: Donald S. Lopez, 1923-2008
No. 3
Warbirds over Wanaka 2008 by Gavin Conroy
History of Escadrille SPA 165 by Frank Bailey, Jon Guttman, and Peter Kilduff
Rare Birds: Albatros J.II by Jack Herris (ill. Colin Owers)
Nachrichtenblatt Nr. 21 by Jan Hayzlett (tr.) (ed. Peter Kilduff)
Eagles vs. Butterflies: Manfred von Richthofen's Wounds, 6 July 1917 by James Miller
The Red Baron: A Movie Review by Peter Kilduff
The White Eagle Flies: Emergence of the Polish Airforce in and After World War I by Peter Kilduff
A View from the Other Side: Jasta 50 Operations on 26 Sept. 1918 by Friedrich-Wilhelm Vahldiek (tr., ed. Peter Kilduff)
The First RFC Spy Flight by Lothair Vanoverbeke
No. 4
Aviation institute of Maintenance Students Build WWI Aircraft by David Jones
Manchester of the Foggiani by Harry Manchester (ed. James Streckfuss)
Rare Brids: The AEG N.I by Peter Grosz (ill. Martin Digmayer)
The Writing of the Stand: An Interview with Stephen Skinner by Steven Ruffin
Francesco Baracca, The Italian "Ace Among Aces" by Francis Tuoti (w/ Paolo Varriale and Daniele Serafini)