Volume 21 #1 (2006)

This issue is out of print.
Front Cover: The New Machine by Stephen Anderson depicts Rittmeister Carl Bolle leading a kette of triplanes in his new Fokker D.VII while his former mount, the similarly marked Fokker Dr.I, flies to his right in the wingman's position.
Inside Front Cover: Jasta 23b profiles by Ronny Bar
Inside Rear Cover: Fokker Dr.I 209/17 5-view by Richard Ansell
Outside Rear Cover: Color profiles of Albatros J.I by Hans Trauner
In Memory of Ltn.d.R. Fritz von Röth by Max Gossner
Originally published as “Erinnerungen an Oberleutnant d.Res. Fritz von Röth” in 1923, this excerpt is translated by O'Brien Browne. In it, Max Gossner relates the story of Röth's career as Imperial Germany's highest ranking balloon buster.
Jasta Boelcke August 30, 1916—November 24, 1918 Rittmeister a.D. by Carl Bolle
From the same 1923 anthology as the previous article, and also translated by O'Brien Browne, Carl Bolle presents a near-contemporary account of the history of his final command during the war, Jasta Boelcke.
Down But Not Necessarily Out by Stewart K. Taylor
Short biographies of seven Canadians downed by Fokker D.VII aces.
Rare Birds: Albatros by J.I Michael Schmeelke, with 1/48 scale drawings by Colin A. Owers
As the intensity of the war grew and specialized roles for aircraft developed, the Albatros company designed the amoured J.I specifically for infantry assualt.
Mentioned in Despatches
The Unaltered Truth | A Man of Fine Metal | Corrections | Over the Line? | Another Request
Between the Bookends:
German Air Forces 1914—18, Osprey Elite Units #135 by Graham Summer | Windsock Datafile No 114: Albatros C.X by P.M. Grosz | Windsock International, Vol.21 No. 6 | Cross & Cockade International Journal, Vol. 36, No. 4 | An Airmans's Wife—A True Story of Lovers Separated by War by Aimée McHardy | Aviation's Great Recruiter—Cleveland's Ed Packard by H.L. (Herm) Schreiner | Versteende Vleugels by Eddy Lambrecht | Windkiller by Stephen H. King
Index for Volume 20, 2005