Volume 8 #3 (1993)

Turning the Tables by George Evans was inspired by accounts of Flieger-Abteilung (A) 224 crews who fended off and, in some cases, shot down Allied fighters that attacked them. The article in this issue contains examples of such aerial combats. The victorious aircraft is an LVG C.V.
From the Balkens to the Baltic--Reminiscences of Oberst a.D. Robert Holtzmann by Simone M. Moore
The History of Royal Württemberg Flieger-Abteilung(A) 224 by Peter Kilduff
Ehrentafel Der Gefallenen Württembergischen Flieger
Colors: Aircraft of Royal Württemberg Jagdstaffel 28 by Greg VanWyngarden
Mentioned in Dispatches:
Addenda | Errata | Member's Research
Behind the Lines
Between the Bookends:
Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany in World War I and the Men Who Earned them, Volume III--The Aviation Awards of the Kingdom of Saxony | The Western Front Then and Now, From Mons to the Marne and Back
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