Volume 8 #4 (1993)

Part of the Canadian Air Force Museum's collection in Ottawa include these fine replicas of World War One aircraft. A Sopwith Triplane in Raymond Collishaw's markings, A Sopwith Snipe and SPAD VII replica are part of the collection.
Rebuilding Jasta Boelcke, Leutnant Erwin Böhme's Letters by Douglas V. Fand and Dr.-Ing. Niedermeyer
Monoplane Fighters of World War I by The Texas Gulf Coast Chapter
The Eye of the Army and the Eagle: The Military Career of an Observer in the Royal Bavarian Flying Corps, Leutnant d.R. Max Gröschel by Dieter H.M. Gröschel, M.D.
Ed Brandt: An American in a Camel Cockpit--Recollections by Tom Leamon
L 53 and the Distant Flying Boats by Marvin L. Skelton
Between the Lines
Research Grants | Financial Report | The Schedule | The 1994 Seminar
Mentioned in Dispatches
Member's Research | Short Article | Addenda | Short Article
Between the Bookends
The Great War in the Air: Military Aviation From 1909 to 1921 | Windsock Datafile Special: RAF SE5a | Above the Lines: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces of the German Air Service, Naval Air Service and Flanders Marine Corps, 1914-1918
Sir Stafford Foster-Sutton, K.B.E., KT., C.M.G., Q.C. | Air Vice Marshal Thomas Albert Lawrence, C.B. | Alan Colin Campbell, ORDE, C.B.E., A.F.C. | Air Vice Marshal Kenneth MacGregor Guthrie, C.B., C.B.E., C.D. | A. Banfield Taylor