Volume 9 #1 (1994)

Over the Wine-Dark Sea, Aerial Aspects of the Dardanelles/Gallipoli Campaign by R.D. Layman
Samson Vs. Kemal: Did It Really Happen? by R.D. Laymen
Gordon Thomas Collinson, No.41 Squadron, RAF: A Postscript by Alan L.Roesler
An Early Answer to Airpower: Antiaircraft Service in the A.E.F by Major Bryon E. Greenwald
Plumage: SPA 156: l'Escradrille des Deux Martinets by Jon Guttman
That Magnificent Man and his Flying Machines by Karl Schneide
Target Practice on a Swiss Balloon by Guillaume de Syon
Is it Live, or Is it...?
Between the Lines
Board of Directors Elections | Society of Nitpickers
Mentioned in Dispatches
Behind the Lines
The Great War in the Air Trivia Test
Between the Bookends
Austro-Hungarian Army Aircraft of World War One | Sailor of the Air: The 1917-1919 Letters and Diary of USN CMM/A Irving Edward Sheely | United Stateds Credits for the Destruction of Enemy Aircraft in Air-to-Air Combat World War I
General Kenneth Reid Van Der Spuy | Rudolph Simacek | Major General Warren R. "Nick" Carter | James B. Slimmon | Rowland H. George | Major General Harold George Willmott, C.B.E. | William A. Everett | Brigadier General William J. Fox | George J. Leonhard | Clifford W. Allsopp | Eric Harbeson Biddle | Colonel Joseph A. Moller