Time travel: such a sight as this today creates indescribable feelings in the aviation historian. An Albatros D.Va in the markings of Eduard Ritter von Schleich and Nieuport 11 Beb? (both accurate replicas) climb for altitude in the sky over Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in upstate New York. And so it should be! Discover the forgotten intangibles of WWI aviation and become a member by subscribing to Over the Front!
Bad Day at Cambrai by Randal S. Gaulke
Jagdstaffel 47W, A History by Malcolm Cooper and Stewart K. Taylor
"Introduction to a Flying Book," From vomäger zum Flieger by Karl-Emil Schäfer, and Suzanne Hayes Fischer
A Chat with Lothar by Karl B. Ogilgie
The Navy at MIT by Noel Shirley
Discovering the Forgotten Intangibles of WWI Aviation by Ted Sacher
The New Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum by Carle J. Kopecky
Between the Lines
A League of Modelers: Competition Rules
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