Volume 27 (2012)

Over the Front Volume 27, Out of Print
No. 1
Rare Birds: Albatros C.IX and C.XIII by Jack Herris (ill. Martin Digmayer)
An Observer on the Western Front: Hans Joachim Seidel in the Great War by Hans Joachim Seidel (tr., ann. Michael Seidel)
The French Eagle: Rene Fonck by Narayan Sengupta
Just Watch Me: 2/Lt. George Robert "Robin" Gray "A" Flight, 84 Squadron RFC, 1917 by Stewart Taylor
No. 2
The Counterintuitive Evolution of WWI Fighters by Javier Arango
Rare Birds: Morane-Saulnier Type T Bomber by James Davilla and Jack Herris (ill. Martin Digmayer)
Oshkosh Airventure by Steven Ruffin
An Observer on the Western Front: Hans Joachim Seidel in the Great War, Part II by Hans Joachim Seidel (tr. Michael Seidel, ed. Greg VanWyngarden)
Over the Front Members Take the Stage at the Museum of Flight's Air War One Symposium by Aaron Weaver
A Visit to LVG, Part I: Company Headquarters at Berlin-Johannisthal by Aaron Weaver
WWI Warbird Renaissance: Replica and Restoration Milestones by Aaron Weaver
No. 3
Not Just Adventures in the Sky: The Story of Lt. Howard C. Knotts by Victoria Pardoe
Granville Pollock's Long Lost Letters by Granville Pollock (ed., ann. Victoria Pardoe)
Granville Anderson Pollock: The Rest of the Story by Alan Roesler and Cliff Presley
Ralph A. O'Neill: Arizona's Other WWI Ace by Alan Roesler and Cliff Presley
Fonck Footnotes: Addendum to French Eagle: Rene Fonck by Narayan Sengupta
No. 4
Frank Gibbes Montgomery: The Tragic Story of a Spartanburg Hero by Freida Davison
Echos du Rif (photo supplement to Granville Anderson Pollock from Over the Front 27/3 by Alan Toelle
One of Us - Quentin Roosevelt - A Hero's Story by Alan Toelle
What's in a Photo? by Alan Toelle