Volume 30 (2015)

Over the Front Volume 30, all 4 issues for 2015
No. 1
Lothar von Richthofen's Death: An Eyewitness Account by Fern Andra (ed., ann. Lance Bronnenkant)
Sydney Wentworth Beauclerk, Jr. of the 12th Aero Squadron by Robert Betz and Stephen Miller
Harnessing Pegasus: The Devlopment of Aviation Medicine During World War 1 - Part II by William Hannigan
Attack on the Slava by James Pratt III
Flieger-Abteilung (Artilleie) 267: A Photo Essay
No. 2
The US Military and the Paradigm Shift to Wireless Communcations in World War I by Carl J. Bobrow
Nachrichtenblatt der Luftstreitkrafte Nr. 24 by Jan Hayzlett (tr.) (ed. Peter Kilduff)
High Valor and High Casualties: A History of Flieger-Abteilung (A) 235 by Peter Kilduff
A Month with No. 48 Squadron: Wartime Letters of 2/Lt Sidney H. Whipple, RAF by Whipple, Sidney (ed., comp. Peter Kilduff)
Two-Seater Gallery
No. 3
Airmen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Charles Bogart
The Albatros C.XV by Colin Owers
The Fokker-Weyl Controversy: An Appraisal by Colin Owers
The Siemens-Halske Counter-Rotary Engines by Dick Bennett
Designing Fokker Airplanes by Gary Dunderland
Photo Essay: Captured French Airplanes in German Hands by Volker Koos
No. 4
You're the Boss - An Infromal Discussion with Rudolf Hunze by Rudolf Hunze (int. Howard Nickel, tr. Aaron Weaver)
Allied Nightfighter Development by Jack Herris
Friedrichshafen Torpedo Bombers by Jack Herris (ill. Martin Digmayer)
An Operational History of the Friedrichshafen Torpedo Bombers by Ronald Kintner
An Assessment of American Air Combat Victory Claims in 1918 by Peter Fedders