Volume 11 #2 (1996)

The B.E.2 in its various marks formed the backbone of the early RFC squadrons in France, soldiering on long after it should have been retired. Less well known is its role as the training aircraft of many an Australian airman. Aviation artist Gunnar Anderson captures the beauty of what might have been a typical B.E.2 as it flew on a reconnaissance mission over the Western Front or maybe over the Australian Central Flying School at Point Cook.
Point Cook 1913-1918: A Documentary History by Colins A. Owers
Air War East: Bombing and Reconnaissance on the Russian Front 1914-1917 by August G. Blume
Over the Wine-Dark Sea: Aerial Aspects of the Dardanelles/Gallipoli Campaign Part 4: The German Wasserfliegerabteilung by Richard T. Whistler
Rubber Cows: U.S. Navy Shipboard Balloons in World War I by R.D. Layman
Colors: The Halberstadt C.II by Greg VanWyngarden
Between the Lines
New Over the Front Chapter | WWI Fly-in at Dayton | Research Grants | Board of Directors Election | Theft at the Smithsonian
A League of Modelers: The Hanriot HD.
Mentioned in Dispatches
Members' Research | Errata | Addenda
Between the Bookends
Under the Guns of the Red Baron | America Takes to the Air, Vol I-III | Fairey Aircraft | The World War One Source Book