Volume 11 #3 (1996)

16 July 1918: Lt. Zenos Miller of the 27th Aero Squadron, USAS, downs the first of two German observation balloons. Painted by author/artist Michael O'Neal specifically to accompany his article on Miller which appears in vol. 11/3. The painting, entitled "First of Five," recreates the moment the first balloon begins to catch fire.
Lt. Zenos R. Miller, 27th Aero, USAS by Michael O'Neal
Double Jeopardy, Parts I and II by Stewart K. Taylor and Adam Wait
From Uhlan to Fighter Ace, From the Memorabilia of Major A.D. Joseph Mai by Jürgen Ladek and Dieter H.M. Gröschel, M.D.
Albatros C.VII by Dan-San Abbott
Over the Wine-Dark Sea, Aerial Aspects of the Dardanelles-Gallipoli Campaign, Part Five, The Defense of the Bosphorus and the Fokker Staffel by Richard T. Whistler
Colors: The Breguet and 14.B2 by Greg VanWyngarden
Between the Bookends
The U.S. Air Service in the Great War, 1917-1919 | Over the Battlefronts--Amazing Air Action of World War One | The Curtiss HS Flying Boats | Models Warplanes 1996 - Volume 1: World War One 1914-1918 | Listening In, Intercepting German Trench Communications In World War I | Hunting With Richthofen: The Bodenschatz Diaries | Philip Markham, A Flight of Fancy | Battlebags: British Airships of the First World War
Mentioned in Dispatches
Members' Research | Errata | Addenda
Maurice Robert Smith | Colonel Clarence F. "Cap" Cornish | John Henry "Jack" Evens | Brigadier General John F. Egan