Volume 12 #1 (1997)

In First Solo, aviation artist James Dietz depicts two Curtiss JN-4s preparing for flight, a scene typical at any of the training fields operated by the RFC and the USAS in Canada and Texas in 1917-1918.
The Silent Volunteers by Stewart K. Taylor
Roster of RFC, RNAS and RAF "Silent Volunteers" at the the Front by Stewart K. Taylor
Pranged by Stewart K. Taylor
Unsung Sextet by Stewart K. Taylor
The Baron's 67th by Stewart K. Taylor
"In Case I Should Not Return" by Stewart K. Taylor
What's In a Name? by Robert Pearson
Between the Lines
The Seminar | The "Year of the Chapters" | New USAF Museum Director | The Great Flood | The Mike Carr Student Paper Competition | In Memoriam: W.T. "Bill" Evans
Mentioned in Dispatches
Members' Research | Errata | Addenda
Between the Bookends
The Norman Thompson File
Cecil Arthur Lewis, M.C. | Gwilym Hugh Lewis, D.F.C. | William J. Devine | Gerald H. Hughes
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