Volume 12 #4 (1997)

Supply is limited. Don't delay!
Artist Mike O'Neal's depiction of an action which took place on April 23, 1917, when Vzfw. Heinrich Mertens, and his observer Ltn.d.R. Friedrich Feldmann were attacked in their Albatros C.II by eight French SPAD single-seaters of Spa. 102 over Prosnes. They came down in German lines. The pilot, Vzfw. Mertens was uninjured, but Feldmann was severely wounded and died three days later.
(The type Albatros C.II was an Albatros C.VII licensed built by the BFW concern)
The History of Royal Württemberg Flieger-Abteilung (A) 252 by Peter Kilduff
Dad's Photo Album: Views of the RFC/RNAS/RAF by John Garwood
Dutch Treat--Aircraft Interned in the Netherlands by Anonymous
Leutnant der Reserve Erwin Breuninger--A Württemburg Artillerist in the Luftstreitkräfte by Lothair Vanoverbeke
The Red Baron as Archetypal Hero by Laurie Stidolph
First Bombs on Dunkirk by Oberstleutnant a.D. Wilhelm Siegert translated by Heinz J. Nowarra and Peter Kilduff
Colors: The Hannover CL.II, III and IIIa by Greg VanWyngarden
Between the Lines
The Founders' Award | The 1998 Seminar | The Hooper Awards | Board of Directors Election | Style Changes
Mentioned in Dispatches
Members' Research | Errata | Addenda
Between the Bookends
The Sky Their Battlefield: Air Fighting and the Complete List of Allied Air Casualties From Enemy Action in the First War... | The Flying Camels: The History of No. 45 Sqn, RAF | The Camel File | Bristol Fighter, Vol. 1 | Sikorsky S-16
Eric Watson Oam