Volume 13 #2 (1998)

Quentin Roosevelt in Nieuport 28 "Red 14" of the 95th Aero Squadron leads his flight from the airfield at Saints in a painting of the same name, Saints, by artist Mike O'Neal.
Thomas Dewitt Milling--U.S. Army Aviator Number One by William E. Broussard
1st Aero Squadron in Texas City, Texas by Douglas E. Edwards
Leutnant Julius Buckler: Episodes From Malaula der Kampfruf Meiner Staffel by Doug Fant and Al Zakrzewski
1/Lt. Wiliam Muir Russel: 95th Aero Squadron, Part 1--Training in the States by Tom Gaylord
WWI Flying on the Texas Gulf Coast by Robert B. Gill
Creating General Pershing's Wartime Air Service, Part 1 by John Howells and Marvin Skelton
James Norman Hall--The Great Adventurer by Tom Walden
Between the Lines
Staff Changes | The Desert Seminar | National Aviation Hall of Fame
Mentioned in Dispatches
Between the Bookends
Fokker D.VII, Anthology 1 | Brandenburg.I | Victoria Cross, WWI Airmen and Their Aircraft | Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany in World War I and the Men Who Earned Them, Volume V
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