Volume 14 #1 (1999)

A candidate for the title of 'Best WWI Fighter' was the Nieuport 28. The late-model Nieuport became the standard mount of the first USAS single-seat squadrons to make it to the Western Front and figured in many an American ace's early victories. In this painting by nationally renowned aviation artist, Ron Grinnell, the USAS's first ace, Douglas Campbell, scores his all-important fifth victory. (Courtesy American Aces Fighter Association.)
German Navy Seaplane Serial Numbers and Classification Codes by Peter M. Grosz
The Austro-Hungarian Aviation Service: A Lecture to a Military Leadership Course on the Italian Front by Dieter H.M. Gröschel
The German Air Effort and the Central Powers Romanian Campaign Phase I, The Fluid Phase: August 1916-January 1917 by Peter A. Fedders
An Unknown War Theatre: Russian Naval Aviation in the Caspian Sea in 1918 by Andrei Alexandrov and August. G. Blume
The Best World War I Fighter by Jack McCracken
Cleaning Up and Going Home by Stephen Miller
Nachrichtenblat der Luftstreitkräfte by Janice L. Hayzlett and Peter Kilduff
A League of Modelers by Jim Wallace
Between the Lines
The Mike Carr Student Writing Contest | January 1999 Seminar of the American Branch of the Western Front Association
Mentioned in Dispatches
Members' Research | Errata | Addenda
Between the Bookends
The Jasta War Chronology | Medal of Honor Aviators of World War One | The Storks--The Story of France's Elite Fighter Groupe De Combat 12 | AIRCO DH9--Windsock Datafile No. 72 | Moorsele--eè'n Dorp, Twee Vliegvelden | The Development of Military Night Aviation to 1919 | The Great War at Home and Abroad: The World War I Diaries and Letters of W. Stull Holt