As President Dan Polglaze said in Between the Lines in Volume 35 No. 3, we (mostly he) have been delving through our back issues to create the first-ever complete Table of Contents for every issue of OTF published to date. In it you'll find titles, authors, volume, issue and page references, and major topics for each article. It's all in the form of an Excel spreadsheet so you can download your own copy and sort, search and modify it as much as you want. Can't wait to get started? Download a copy here, as an Excel Spreadsheet or here as a PDF. We'll try, now that we've got it, to keep it updated as each new issue comes out, but may fall behind.
Think of this as a first step toward a full index of all of Over the Front, an endeavor you can help with. Interested? Contact Dan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Courtesy of Steve Suddaby, who also provided us with his Allied Bombing Mission database, we have added the table of contents of the original Cross and Cockade to the Table of Contents.
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