
Anglo-American Abbreviations

WWI Anglo-American Abbreviations

AbbreviationName, Rank Unit, Unknown, etc.AbbreviationName, Rank Unit, Unknown, etc.
A.A. anti-aircraft IAF Independent Air Force
A/C Aircraft IF Independent Force
Ack. acknowledgment IIAcc injured in accident
A.E.F. American Expeditionary Force IIC injured in crash
Aero squadron (U.S.) IRAS Imperial Russian Air Service
AIC Aviation Instruction Center KB kite balloon
AP air park KIA killed in action
Art. artillery KIC killed in crash
A.S. air service LTA lighter-than-air
A/S air ship Mfg manufacture/manufacturer
Att. Attache/Attached to MG machine gun
Aus. Australian, Australia MIA missing in action
Avro A.V. Roe (A/C Co.) NAS naval air station
AW Armstrong-Whitworth (A/C Co.) NBG Northern Bombing Group
BC balloon company OC observation corps
B.E.F. British Expeditionary Force OG observation group
BG balloon group POW prisoner of war
Bn Battalion Pub. publisher/publication
Btry. battery RA Royal Army
BW balloon wing RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
CFC Canadian Flying Corps RAF Royal Air Force
C.O. commanding officer RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps (Eng.)
Co Company Regt Regiment
DBG Day Bombardment Group (U.S.) RFC Royal Flying Corps
DOAcc died of accident RN Royal Navy
DOI died of injuries RNAS Royal Naval Air Service
DOW died of wounds S.E. Scout Experimental (A/C)
E.A. enemy aircraft S.D. shot down
FTL forced to land SOP Sopwith (A/C Co.)


General Officer in Charge

General Officer Commanding

Sqdn. Squadron (English if number precedes)
Gr. Group U.S. United States
HA hostile aircraft U.S.A.S. United States Air Service
HE high explosive U.S.M.C. U.S. Marine Corps
H.M.S. His Majesty's Ship U.S.N.A.S. U.S. Naval Air Service
Hosp. Hospital W Wing
IAACC Inter-Allied Aeronautical Control Commission WIA Wounded in Action