
British Air Forces 1914-1918 Vols. 1 & 2

British Air Forces 1914-1918 Vols. 1 & 2

British Air Forces 1914-1918 Vols. 1 & 2, by Andrew and Peter Cormack, Osprey Publishing (U.K.), 2001; 48 pp. each volume, 9-3/4" x 7-1/4", softcover, profusely illustrated with photos, line drawings and color plates of uniforms, appendices and index; ISBN 1-84176-001-3 and ISBN 1-84176-001-3; $14.95 for each volume; available from Motorbooks International, P.O. Box 1, Osceola, WI 54020 (publisher's Fax: 1-800-826-6600).

The great array of uniforms is a constant observation of British air forces in World War I. Not unlike German fliers, who wore regimental and other distinctive uniforms, British airmen also honored old traditions until the Royal Air Force evolved its own traditions. This marvelous two-volume set of books covers the wide variety of uniforms worn by enlisted men and women, as well as officers of both sexes. Good, sharp period photos of people in uniform are augmented by Andrew Cormack's lucid text and Peter Cormack's color plates.

Superb attention to detail makes these books standard reference works for future book and article researchers who want to make their photo captions as detailed as possible. The use of photos of various badges and other uniform "hardware" is a particularly nice point.

Both volumes are highly recommended.

submitted by Peter Kilduff